List of positives


My blog is so negative. I use it as a place to complain about the things I’m not assertive enough to complain about in real life. Time for some positive thoughts and statements.

1. I have a friend, let’s call him Fred, who cares about me. He is having a hard time in his life, dealing with alcoholism and a dui. We’re supporting each other. Friendship is good. My blood family dysfunctional but my chosen  family is great.

2. I’m allowing myself to take sick days from work.

Our Lady of the Highways

3. I followed my meal plan today despite being sick and having a reduced appetite. I need food to let my body heal.

4. I ordered a DBT workbook online. It’s a diary full of checklists of coping skills. Also, I ordered a spanish workbook. I love workbooks for some reason.

5. I have a job where I get to be a role model for kids. Even if I don’t always walk the walk in my outside life, I try really hard to model positive attitudes to the kids. When other staff say body-negative things, I do speak up. I don’t want those kids to learn to hate themselves the way so many of us have. It’s unnecessary. I work with kids with disabilities (hearing loss) and self-esteem is a little harder for them in the first place. The last thing they need is to feel bad about their appearances.

6. My favorite affirmation is: I have ideas that nobody else has. Ideas including that affirmation.

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